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Lyric colorature Soprano
"Ah non giunge" Amina, La Sonnambula, Bellini, French TV show "Musiques en Fête" in direct, Chorégies d'Orange, September 2020
"Bella Adina", duetto Elisir d'amore, Donizetti with Florian Sempey, French TV show "Musiques en Fête", Choregies Orange, September 2020
Amina "Ah non giunge!" La Sonnambula, Bellini, TV show "Musiques en fete" in direct of the Choregies d'orange, 2020
« Enfin! Je vous revois » Anna, La Dame Blanche, Opéra Nice 2020:
Anne Trulove "No word from Tom", The Rake's Progress, Opera Nice- March 2019
The crazy-Lyrical show "Soyons (pas trop) sérieux!" with Florian Laconi and Philippe Brocard, actualy in nationale tournée, created with the "Violon sur le sable" in 2020
Duo "Bella Adina" with Florian Sempey, L' Elisir d'amore, Donizetti, TV show "Musiques en fete" in direct of the Choregies d'orange, 2020
"Mon cher Marquis", Adele, Die Fledermaus (in French), Musiques en Fête, French TV Show in direct, Choregies d'Orange, Juin 2019
.French version aria's Eliza Doolittle "J'aurais voulu danser", My Fair Lady, Opera of Nice 2018
.French version aria's Eliza Doolittle "Ce serait maaarveilleux", My Fair Lady, Opera of Nice 2018
Amelie Robins, Florian Laconi, Armando Noguera - "Trio of the grill", Pomme d'Api, Offenbach- December 2017
Aria "Que m'importe un titre éclatant", The Daughter of the Tambour Major, Offenbach- December 2017
.Aria of Musetta "Quando m'en vo", La Bohema, Puccini. June 2017.
Trio from "The Daughter from the Régiment", Donizetti. With Florian Sempey and Philippe Talbot. Direction Luciano Acocella, Choregies d'orange juin 2017.
.Aria of Edwige, Robinson Crusoe, Offenbach in direct on "Musiques en fete" 2018 in Choregies d'orange .
.Aria of Susanna, Le Nozze Di Figaro, Mozart
In direct from Budapest on Arte Web, Armel Opera Competition, 1st July 2015
(Live entier:
Amélie Robins
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